Got CBDa?

Your NEW Wellness Super Hero: CBDa

What is CBDa?

CBDa vs. CBD

No, CBDa is not a typo (the “a” stands for acid). CBD and CBDa are similar, but they are actually different compounds that develop at different times in the plant…and have different effects in the body.

CBD comes from grown plants, CBDa occurs in plants that are still growing (like in the fresh, young leaves we hand-pick from our farms in JuiceTiva™!) CBDa will “convert” into CBD if is dried or heated.

What Are The Benefits of CBDa?

In the body, CBD and CBDa (which are called cannabinoids) react with your endocannabinoid system (eCS) that’s responsible for regulating + controlling many critical body functions, such as learning and memory, emotional processing, sleep, pain control, inflammatory and immune + appetite and mood responses.

  • Because CBDa comes from fresh, raw plants, it’s naturally water soluble + up to 20x more “bioavailable” than CBD extracts + isolates. That means more CBDa gets into your body. Plus, it has all of the nutrition of the hemp plant…when CBD is extracted it’s a single molecule, and when it’s made into an “isolate” it has NONE of the nutrition.

  • CBDa has up to 100x the affinity over CBD for the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor and  its molecular structure closely resembles non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like ibuprofen.

CBDa + Your Endocannabinod (eCS) System

Your endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a recently discovered “transmitter” system in the body which “talks to” or relays messages between most all of your other body systems to keep everything in balance (i.e.: homeostasis.) Your ECS is powered by…guess what? Endocannabinoids that exist in your body + by phytocannabinoids — like CBDa from hemp. Taking a supplement that includes phytocannabinoids can help balance the endocannabinoid system.Fresh CBDa vs. CBDa isolate

How Do You Get CBDa?

You can ONLY get CBDa from young hemp leaves. That’s when it’s in it’s “acid” (raw + live) form. It’s the same concept of eating “micro greens” because, it’s the stage when they have the most nutrition. Traditionally, it has been difficult to stabilize the CBDa molecule, because it is in a “volatile” acid form (which is why most companies use CBD instead.)

We spent two years developing two proprietary processes, that not only stabilizes the CBDa, but retains a consistent — and the highest — amount of CBDa of any hemp product on the Market.

Fresh CBDa vs. CBDa Extracts/Isolates

CBDa from fresh hemp leaves in its raw + live “acid” form is up to 20X more bioavailable than CBDa from extracts + isolate forms. You would have to take 500-600 grams of isolate, to get the benefits of a one gram serving of JuiceTiva™ with 25G of raw CBDa. PLUS, all the nutrition, too. In addition, isolate is highly processed and it no nutritional value left in the final product. It was originally used as a method to isolate the CBD molecule (without using oil-based extraction) to make it water soluble in products.

Does CBDa Get You “High?”

Nope. Hemp has a 0.3% amount of THC in general. JuiceTiva™ CBDa hemp juice powder has 0.007% and can be classified as “non-detectable,” non-impairing + non-intoxicating. The reason there is so little THC in JuiceTiva™ is because we pick our leaves so early, that a lot of THC hasn’t developed yet.